Sit. Soften

I set an intention at the beginning of this year, to soften. And I started envisioning that softening could be powerful. I set the intent to fill up the spaces I inhabit with that softness. For myself, for my daughter, for my friends and loved ones, for the amazing creators around us, and even for strangers.

And guess what? It’s changing me. We have been through some incredibly dark and stressful times this year, especially this summer. Many times I have wanted to harden, to protect myself or to avoid pain. But instead of hardening, I keep catching myself and just whispering — soften.

Last week Ben and I got the first ever shipping container delivered to our land. It is a moment in time that I will always remember. He and I have held many spaces. Some of you might remember the YV Filmmaker Space on Riverside, Ben’s first space. Or 35th Street, our bungalow in Hyde Park. Now, we are setting out to hold space on our 9 acres. What I’m learning in this experience is that it’s not about the space. It’s about the souls who hold it. Here’s to another new beginning, the first studio shipping container space of many we’ll build.

I just discovered this line from the end of a Derek Walcott poem. It feels very appropriate in this season. No matter how scary things get, you can always soak in the moment.

Sit. Feast on your life. — Derek Walcott


If you’d like to follow Ben and I in our next season and be on the inside track as we build our 9 acres of dreams please consider supporting us monthly. It’s gonna be a hell of a ride :)