Sometimes, as founders and creators, it's hard to know when to stop. Not only does it take hustle and drive to create the life that you want, and the change you want to see in the world, it's also hard to slow down.
A number of years ago I was forced to stop running by a repeat-stress injury. I had developed plantar fasciitis from running every single morning on the river, on old shoes. And from not understanding what a tight achilles can do to your entire foot and body. I was so upset, running was my happy place. My escape from my mind and from the stresses of life, not to mention the healthy body I loved. I looked for solutions online and researched, and finally came across a deep tissue massage practice. I went in, in so much pain, hoping for a solution.
That was when I met Beth. She was such a talented bodyworker, healer, and teacher. Over the next few months, she worked on my achilles, and soon the pain was gone. I would return to her often over the years, she taught me everything I know about fascia, and how to reverse the tightness of a repetitive motion like running or working at a laptop. When I'd return she'd reflect on my hard work, smirking and telling me that my fascia had never felt better, lol.
She passed away last week suddenly, from a stroke. I got a message from her sons. It was a shock to everyone. And it hit me, I will never get the chance to learn from her again. And I will never be on her table again either.
Here is my takeaway from dear Beth.
We all have repeat stress in our lives, and especially as creators, and as parents, we need to learn how to soften. How to reverse the tightness. And we need to know when it's time.
As 2021 came to an end, I promised myself I would find a way to slow down. To reverse the years of the toll that entrepreneurship and single parenting have taken on my body and my heart. I started asking myself the hard questions. What would it take to lose this weight, regain my balance, and move like me? The answer was simple but hard to accept. It was time to let go of Un.Inc. It was time to leave my partnership with my co-founder Ben Gibson, and to allow him to take the company into its next season.
Those of you who have walked with me these years know how dear Un.Inc is and has been to me. It is the sincerest and most meaningful business baby I have ever birthed and nurtured. It has also been a labor of love, needing more financial support and time than it has ever given back to me these 6 years.
As my dear wise friend Laura Shook once told me when she was letting go of her beautiful coworking space:
"I need to allow her to become what she's meant to become next."
I watched her move through that season with such grace, and I hope I can do the same now.
Through my journey to build and grow Un.Inc, I have always maintained my consulting business, Impact Haven. I have quietly built dozens of brands and websites, and that work has not only paid my bills, it has funded Un.Inc more than once.
Now, it is my sincere pleasure to simplify in this season. To focus on growing Impact Haven. To nurture the intentional collaborations I am forming, to continue to facilitate the birth of new brands and new products for my clients. And most of all, to honor my body. She has been yearning to rest, to become stronger and healthier again, and to soften.
Austin, TX 02.22.22