The Time Is Always Right

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
- MLK Jr.

As we kicked off our 4 cohorts last week, I found myself full of a mixture of fear and anticipation. Launching Haven early in 2016, and then the Un.Incubator program in the fall, all of it is heartfelt. The recurring thought that runs in my mind is, what if I'm not enough? What if this fails? As my dear partner Ben likes to say, "this venture is our bloody hearts on a platter." And it is. We're pouring into this program everything we wish we had, when we started out as entrepreneurs. And we're committed to walking alongside each person who comes through our doors ready to make change, ready to work. To see it come to life, to see such a overwhelming response, is proof that this community and program need to exist. Especially now. Oh, especially now.

Later this week, we all know, is the inauguration. I've never been less ready for a change in power. But I also feel momentum brewing, and I see it and hear it in these 4 walls at Haven. I see so many women stepping up to the plate, ready to use their voices and creative talents to make an impact. To create a platform for those who don't have to voice. To create opportunities for others to claim their own value. To fight for the defenseless.

Lauren Bruno, Leti Bueno, Yviee Quintanilla, Tyeschea West, Liz Deering

Lauren Bruno, Leti Bueno, Yviee Quintanilla, Tyeschea West, Liz Deering

Ladies, my message to you is this - you are powerful beyond your imagination. Your willingness to step up, is the most important thing. Please remain willing. Tenaciously willing. To put yourself in the epicenter of heartfelt, hard, change-making work. To fiercely apply your craft, skill and power to your mission. After all, as MLK Jr. said, the time is always right to do what is right.